
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Alright! My holiday starts today, so I'm going to pick this blog up and hopefully make a lot more drawings. I changed layout, to make it a bit easier to use and a bit easier to follow my posts for my readers.

The portrait: I drew another one of my friend Sunyoung, and I'm happy that I did. I had a lot of fun with it, both because I know she'd like it and because it was fun working on it. I feel like this is maybe the best one yet. It's between this one and the last one. I took some photos of the process. Believe it or not, by the first photo I took I was at least three quarters done. The eyes took the longest time, I wanted to get them really realisitic this time. All together, I think this took 2 hours, with maybe an hour going into drawing the eyes.

Because I took my time, I got a much better feel for what kind of pencil strokes make the best lines, and how to make detailed shadows by patiently layering. Still having a hard time getting the face to pop up. I still found the hair to be exhausting so I rushed it. And I took photos with my phone this time which is slightly better than my computer but glare and shadows are still a problem. As much as I'm happy that I'm slowly improving, I feel like it is a little monotone. Maybe I can experiment. Try charcoal instead of pencils? Maybe make a digital portrait? Coloured pencils? Or stick to basics? Do you think it would help to post the reference photo for each drawing?


Friday, December 13, 2013

It's been just over a month since the last one, but here it is. On a Friday where not much is happening, I stayed in and drew.

Happy with how it turned out.  The hair was tough, as usual and it took about 15 minutes by itelf. The expression is good, smile isn't as wide as my friend's actual smile. Does it really look like Elisa? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck youself? Just kidding, don't do that, that's my middle-school self talking. Thanks for reading.I will definitely try to make the next post and portait sooner.
