
Thursday, August 1, 2013

This is my friend. She's been a good friend and really nice since I came to Korea. I don't like how the face turned out, but it was a pretty hard picture to draw from. I think the expression is sort of accurate. It took 30 minutes, and I used a mechanical pencil and B4. I feel like phone pictures really kill sketches so if I can scan them or draw using my tablet later I will.
Here we go.

I've been thinking about what to do with a blog or personal website for a while. Some of the ideas that crossed my mind are a regular travelog, a more personal blog, or a webcominc, but finally I settled on something that I want to do the most. Challenging myself to draw 100 portraits is a good way to get better at them. I also have recently, for the first time ever, drawn a picture of a friend and gave it to them. I want to take that wierdness out for a bit, and be able to draw for people. I really can't think of many better gifts than a piece of art. But it's not just friends, I like drawing faces, whether they are famous people or strangers.

Let's see how long it takes me to go through 100. Maybe there will be a ahmeds1000portaits blog soon!